Monday, August 01, 2005

From the Bhagavad-Gita

Read this quote on a friend's webpage...

"Whatever happened, it happened for good. What is happening, is also happening for good. Whatever will happen, that too will be for good. What have you lost for which you weep? What did you bring with you, which you have lost? What did you produce, which has perished? You did not bring anything when you were born. Whatever you have, you have received from Him. Whatever you will give, you will give to Him. You came empty handed and you will go the same way. Whatever is yours today, it was somebody else's yesterday, And it will be somebody else's tomorrow. The change is the law of universe." - Bhagavad-Gita


Jinguchakka said...

Almost every Indian knows it. But no one, including me, keeps that in mind in daily life and activities. :-(. By the way, I notice that your blog has changed. Why? :-)

Archana said...

"The change is the law of universe." :)

Anonymous said...

"edhai kondu vandhaay...adhai izhappatharkku..."

--> though mr. krish (!!) said some profound things in the Bhagavad Gita, nothing beats the depth and meaning of this one line...but i've also felt that you 'acquire' a lot of things in your life-- inter alia, new relationships, money, knowledge and a wealth of experiences-- that 'loss,' in whatever form it might take, cannot be trivialized...

well, thats an agnostic's take on this!